Friday, 11 January 2013

To upgrade or stick - January resolutions

For a good few years now I have become increasingly disillusioned with January!
Actually, that's one of those sentences designed to shock, rather than give any insight into anything too deep. But what I mean is this rather depressing habit people have of making New Year Resolutions. I mean - "just don't do it!"
Actually I'm overstating my argument here in order to make a point. And in truth I don't totally mean what I say. Clearly for some, resolutions are a very positive step. But for the vast majority of folk, resolutions crash out within 6 weeks of making them. That is of course why the local gym adverts will have been prominent since Christmas, as they cash in on guilty consciences of over indulgence, and are very pleased to take anyone's money, thank you very much (chink, chink!).
But it's that "no brain" or "reactionary" approach to new year resolutions, rather than the reflective, considered, and yes prayerful, that I just cannot abide! And the media is geared up to catch us - upgrade (your life) NOW! And sit back, having made that easy tick of the box, and watch what happens. And yes, instinctively, the leaving behind of an old year - with all of its joys and sorrows, somehow adds to the momentum in people that what they REALLY must do is upgrade to something new. Leave behind the negative or the difficult, and try something different that, in a matter of days, will amazingly and miraculously, totally transform your life to what you have always dreamed it should be! Do it! Yes now! Upgrade! And do it (in these days) with cash you don't have, because what really counts is how you feel!

So for me, now, January is a time to actually rest, and reflect and consider, but not to do drastic stuff. Yes, by all means consider and build towards some kind of change and decision that is a positive one, and which will bring lasting change for the better (and not always something that is easy). But never make a snap decision.
And this way of reflection and pondering is the way of the Christian disciple. And actually, the way of the snap, frantic, no brain decision, is very much not!
So thats how I'm starting 13! God Bless you in this year ahead.

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