Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A crossing place ministry

Yesterday I spent some time with one of our Church Members over a coffee just listening to what she was doing, day in, day out in her educational establishment. I have to put i like that because it would probably not be too clever to reveal her identity or where she works - too many hints already!
She is a Teacher, of sorts within a Christian educational setting, but working with those young people who find life just hard work and challenging. She is the kind of professional who would never inflict her faith on anyone, and yet God is using her in the daily hum drum of life to extend his Kingdom. It's not with loads of flashy lights or lots of noise, but the questions she is getting asked by her kids are mind blowing. The cross on the wall seems to start the conversations and questions, and this it seems leads to asking big questions about life, about the Bible, and about prayer. She is very hesitant to share anything and is almost unwilling to do so, lest she be misunderstood. She always begins her response by saying "these are my personal views", but then she shares her story. I am humbled at the power of the Gospel daily at work in this way and in numnerous other places too.

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