Thursday, 10 March 2011

Keeping the balance

The human being is always at risk of over emphasising the argument! That's not a quote, but my observation of life, ministry and well, stuff! That's why balance is important, and it applies to many aspects of life. Over emphasis can very easily lead to things being twisted - a narrow, distorted perception of the facts that, if not challenged, lead to serious diffculty. I remember this being demonstrated in a visual way once when I was Minister in Oundle, in the EMBA. The then Regional Minister, Peter Grange, brought one of those hanging play things that you put above babies cots, that are hung delicately together by cotton or the like. He displayed how if you give even the slightlest extra force onto one of the strings, then the entire play device is very clearly distorted, and out of line.
So it is with our theology; care is needed to keep balance. When theology gets over emphasised, distortion occurs. In church ministry settings too, aspscts of a church's life can be given inappropriate focus, then imbalance can occur.
Finally in our relationships - that area of life that we tiptoe around. Relationships are fragile - handle with care!

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