Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Tortoise ministries

There's something about January that is dangerous! The tendency in some to do new things can, for numerous others, be quite dangerous. In the years that I have been a Pastor - over 20 years now, I have seen and for a time been a part of the brigade that goes for the latest things. It's just so tempting you see to rush after the latest things because others are doing it, and to merely follow the rush without asking questions. I guess that the impetouos age of youth is often characterised by this kind of activity: it darts after the new without question because others are doing so, and it merely supports the trend mindset that "this is what anybody who is really in is doing, and if you're not, then you're yesterday!"
My New Testament lecturer (God Bless AC!), once exclaimed to the gathered seminar "But God is always, always, always, doing a new thing!" And, he is right. There is something about the Tortoise you see, who indeed goes on to win the race, that is powerfully true of many aspects of life, and one of those is the Christian life, and within that Christian Ministry.
And so I guess that what I am saying is that the Gospel never changes, but how it is to be presented does. Well no new insights there then, it's not rocket science!
Yes, but the importance of starting the new year steadily and slowly picking up the rhythm of the beat seems to be where I am. There is surely widsom here.

The country stagnates within an economic depression and the one thing people are not doing is rushing anywhere. There are no easy solutions or answers, and the general, ordinary person of the UK is merely intent upon survival. The populous is weary of easy answers and quick fixes, and this is where the "old, old story, presented in new, new ways" must surely come in. What people are looking for and needing more than anything else in January 2012 is "hope". And the Gospel has it. Hebrews 6: 19 says - "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." This is for me a challenge and an opportunity. A challenge personally and an opportunity for every Christian to usher in revival.

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